Saturday, June 30, 2012


This week DJCJ and DJ Mike Emilio battled for rights on the Flo Rida Whistle Remix. In the result both artists have had the remix taken down on there social sites like Youtube and Soundcloud. After this action was taken by the Copyright teams of these sites DJCJ received nasty messages on his Youtube account from Mike "You should be ashamed of yourself, And the way you act is really immature" In reply to that DJCJ said "Not even close to ashamed, I don't care who contacts me because I am not interested in being harassed any further." 

Sounds like some major drama going on, apparently Emilio has informed all promotion companies and has screwed DJCJ over....he has even tried blaming us on Twitter "Thanks for stealing my remix and making it yours. I've already informed my management and the labels."

Guess Mike Emilio of Sweden really does have some problems, but what can you do...sit back and pretend its all a lie and just go with it.

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